Friday, January 28, 2011

Quick Tip: Remaining Motivated During Your Transition

At one point or another, you are going to be frustrated with your hair during the transitioning period. It's inevitable. Your hair will seem to be more susceptible to matting and knotting during the washing process. Your hair will feel hard instead of soft, and nothing that you do seems to work. You will reach a point where you have absolutely no idea what to do. You will be so tempted to give up that you either pick up the phone and start to dial your stylist in order to make an appointment for a relaxer, or you head to your local BSS to pick up a box of your favorite relaxing system. I've certainly been there. Every long term transitioning kinky curly coily head has been there too. To get myself through these trying moments, I've developed a way to boost my motivation levels in order to keep moving forward.

1.     Focus on the Reason Why You Wanted to Go Natural
As a person who likes to write (and has somewhat of a notebook addiction), the day I decided to go natural I started a hair journal. The first entry that wrote in this journal was a detailed explanation of why I wanted to go natural. At the time, I didn’t really have a purpose for writing it down, but I have found that by re-reading that entry, I have continued to be motivated. Focusing on why you chose to go natural and to transition to begin with will help to re-energize you and give you that extra push to go over those frustration day humps. On a day when you are not frustrated, I suggest that you jot down why you want to go natural and keep it around to re-read on days when frustration levels are at an all time high.

2.     Look for curlspirational kinky, curly, coily heads
As you may have noticed, most, if not all, of my posts begin with a picture of some gorgeous natural locks. These pictures are my curlspirations. It is gorgeous, fabulous natural hair that makes me want to see the potential that my natural texture has. These provide daily inspiration for me to keep moving forward. Find pictures of natural hair that is just fabulous to you and place it on a natural hair vision board in a place that you can look at daily. A vision board is a poster  that contains all of your aspirations. It can be theme specific, such as natural hair, or broader than that, such as what you want to accomplish in 5 years. By looking at this board daily, you will be motivated to continue moving forward to reach your natural hair dreams.

3.     Scour Your Favorite Natural Hair Blog
One of the biggest motivations that you can have on frustrating days is looking at the story of someone else who is either transitioning at the same time as you, or has already successfully transitioned. Seeing someone else who has already gone through the process and has endured through the frustrating moments is extremely motivating. It gives you the mentality that “if they can make it through, then I can too.”

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