Last week, I reached the one-month mark in my biotin hair challenge. For the past month, I have taken a one 5000 microgram supplement of biotin in conjunction with my regular daily multi-vitamin, One-A-Day Women's. So far, this biotin supplement is definitely looking like a keeper. Although I wasn’t planning on formally doing a length check until I finished the entire bottle of biotin, my hair has noticeably grown.
Additionally, I have noticed that my skin is better than it has been in years. For about the first week and a half, I experienced some unusual skin trouble. (I should note that I’ve gotten maybe one or two full blown pimples in my life, but I do get the occasional small zit. With that being said, I didn’t break out at all; my skin just looked a lot grungier than it ever has and was a lot drier than normal). I guess it was just an “adjustment period” to rid my skin of its impurities. Since then, my skin has been great. It seems brighter and retains more moisture.
DAng girl the growth is phenomenol