Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I BC'd!!!

Remember when I said that I was going in to see my stylist for a trim in this post? Well, when I sat in the chair I accidentally ended up saying "take off all the relaxed ends" instead of "take off a few inches." When I realized my flub, I didn't even bother trying to correct myself. I thought that maybe my unconscious was telling me that it was time, so I just went with the flow...and I could not be happier!

When the first snip came, I thought I would feel some sort of anxiety or apprehension that I was about to go from SL hair to not even NL hair in a matter of minutes. To my surprise, that was not the case. I felt...well liberated. With each snip, it was like I had just won some sort of personal battle. When I first saw my hair in all of its kinky curly coily glory, I was beaming from the inside out. In my mind there were fireworks, bells, whistles, confetti and all that jazz. But in reality, I was the only one that noticed and acknowledged this cosmic shift. Although no one else in the salon was nearly as excited as I was, March 12 is a day that will always hold a special place in my heart.

In all of my excitement of becoming fully natural, I had not even thought of how I wanted to style my hair for when I walked out of the salon. The first thing that came to mind was a blowout, so that's what I got done. Here are a few pics of my hair in the blowout!

I just LOVE how thick my hair is now! It's shorter, yes, but much much more healthier!

Look how long my hair is! Not too shabby! 

After about two days of the blow out, I was itching to see my beautiful curls again. I had only seen them for an instant, but I missed them dearly. To get my curls back, I first pre-poo'd with a protein rich conditioner. I used a protein rich conditioner because is important to me to give my hair some extra loving after heat has been used on it. Next, I did one wash with a sulfate shampoo to get rid my hair of any and all silicones that may be on my hair from my salon visit. Finally, I did a co-wash (my first one ever!) and DC'd with a moisturizing conditioner. This is what my hair looks like with no product in it.

My curl patter is much looser in the front than the rest of my hair. I'm glad I went to a professional to have the relaxed ends taken off because I would have mistaken the loosened curl for permed hair (prior to the cut I thought the hair in the front barely grew at all...guess I was wrong lol.)

After applying my KCKT and some gel, this is how my hair looks.

Shrinkage is extra real! I didn't think it would be that bad, but man oh man was I wrong.
A good friend told me to go where the curls lead me, and that's what I intend to do. I can't wait to see what else this journey has in store! 


  1. Hey! I love it!! I am happy for you! And look forward to watching your hair grow long, healthy and kinky curly!!
    Love from the motherland,



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