Friday, February 4, 2011

Hair Therapy Wrap Product Review

One of the things that I heard a lot about on natural hair blogs and YouTube channels was the Hair Therapy Wrap. A while back, I decided to snag one and give it a try.

Price: This will run you about $24.95 from

Product Claims: “The Hair Therapy Wrap applies gentle heat for up to 30 minutes, encouraging conditioner to penetrate the hair follicles. Helps activate treatments, hot oils or reconstructors and can also help control dry, flaky scalp. You can use the Hair Therapy Wrap while bathing, relaxing, or around the house.”

Process: There is very little assembly required to use this product. It comes with 3 large gel packs and a cotton cap with three pockets on the inside of it. Simply place one gel pack in each of the pouches and you are practically ready to go! 

Once the gel packs are placed within the pouches, place the entire wrap in the microwave and heat for a total of 90 seconds in 10-second intervals. After the gel packs are heated up, wrap is ready for use! Fit the cap on your head (with the loose end in the back), twist the extra cloth until it’s tight against your head, and then secure the cloth to the front of the hair wrap.

My Experience: This product gives great heat, just as much as you would get from using a bonnet dryer or any other electric deep conditioning cap. What I love the most about it is that it’s cordless. This allows you to walk around and do whatever it is you need to do. Great for multi-taskers like me! The only downside is that there isn’t a lot of heat to be given for the nape area. The heated gel packs reach all other areas of my head except for this area.

Final Thoughts: After using this product for a while, I can definitely say that I’m a fan! Although I would like the gel packs to extend to the back portion of my head to ensure that my entire head is being heated evenly, I think that it is definitely a keeper! Well worth the money too!


  1. Sounds good. Do you think positioning further down at the nape would get more heat to that area? or try reversing it? lol.. just an idea... I am interested in trying it though

  2. Thanks for the review. Sound like a what I need since I am newly transitioning and trying to make it a smooth one. I think this would be a great product for me to use .~Keeya from Natural &All



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